
  • "The Day I Suspect You're Alive," The Dribble Drabble Review," pending
  • "Daily Walk," 50 Give or Take, April 2024
  • "Old House or New," Motherwell, April 2024
  • "Her First Dead Body," Your Impossible Voice, April 2024
  • "She Never Sees Her Mother,Your Impossible Voice, April 2024

  • The Optimist,Five Minutes, July 2023
  • "Ambushed," Bright Flash Literary, June 2023
  • "The Young Mother on the Street Corner," 50-Word Stories," May 2023
  • "Trail of Hope” Sasee, May 2015
  • “Ready to Quit? Try a Positive List,” Author Magazine, March 2015
  • “Socializing on the Internet,” Children’s Writer, February 2009
  • “Practice + Perseverance = Success," (reprint) Once Upon a Time, Fall 2008
  • “Seeing Stars,” Sasee, February 2008
  • “Love in Karin’s Hands,” The Oregonian, May 31, 2007
  • “Happy Feet and Happy Heart,” The Front Porch Syndicate, March 31, 2007
  • “Sunrise Scribe or Bedtime Bard,” Once Upon a Time, Winter 2006
  • “Twins: The Real Thing,” MotherVerse, December 2006
  • “The Money is in the Cookies,” Byline Magazine, October 2006
  • “Practice + Perseverance = Success,”, October 2006
  • “I Wrote, I Entered, I Conquered,” The Blue Review, September 2006
  • “The Need to Know,” The Polishing Stone, April 2006
  • “She’s Stuck…and That’s Fine,” Daughters, March/April 2006
  • “Trip in the Toilet,” The Front Porch Syndicate, February 19, 2006
  • “Deleting the Furniture,” The Polishing Stone, January 2006
  • “Double Joy,” New Beginnings, Vol.22 No. 6. Nov.-Dec. 2005
  • “Goal Setting: Minding Your 5 W’s,” The Institute of Children’s Literature, Oct. 28, 2005
  • “Cats Have Personality Too,” The Front Porch Syndicate, October 3, 2005
  • “The Filtering System,” Parent-Wise: Austin, August 2005
  • “Writing the Balanced Way,”, July 13, 2005
  • “Alone Time,”, June 2005
  • “Cookies Stir Up Sweet Memories,” CAPPERS, May 24, 2005